Technology for social justice

IT help via remote technology

There are five key actions that will assist community service organisations to deliver their missions and business plans using IT.

1. The organisation's Board of Management should actively participate in strategic planning for IT .

2. Establish an in house IT committee, and involve staff in feeding ideas to the Board.

3. Ensure the administrative staff have the skills to be the linchpins of the IT infrastructure in your organisation.

4. Technical knowledge is not the most important factor for participating in an ICT strategy plan. To make IT to work for your organisation, you require an in-depth understanding of your organisation's mission, vision and business plan, as most strategic IT problems are related to organisational development issues.

5. Focus on the core business activities, and enlist the IT expertise you require.

Many small to medium not for profit community service organisations operating on tight budgets think "if we can manage to work without paying for it, we won't pay for it". This is the case particularly when it comes to information technology, and this mode of thinking has the potential to expose the organisation's ability to deliver on its mission and business plan.

The reality is that information communication technology, no matter how strategically it is applied, will never be delivered without cost. The question is one of where the cost will occur. Trying to deliver IT at no cost will decrease staff productivity. Employing people to maintain non-standard or sub-standard equipment and systems that are poorly maintained can be a significant hidden cost.

There is also the expense of paying for downtime for staff who can not work due to system or computer malfunctions. Money spent on properly maintained computer equipment will allow staff to work more effectively and efficiently, probably to a higher standard providing a more satisfied work place.

Infoxchange has been expanding its IT services over the past six months. Infoxchange now has state of the art remote access software which allows them to perform preventive maintenance and assist clients remotely thereby being able to quickly and easily resolve technical issues and keep staff working productively.

Remotely, our IT support services can isolate technical issues while speaking with clients over the phone. General and preventive maintenance tasks such as anti-virus scans, computer health checks, installing the latest patches and security updates are completed regularly using remote access. This ensures that your organisation's computers run smoothly and securely at all times.

Find out more about our IT support services


Filed in: IT advice | Tagged as: IT planning

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