Technology for social justice

Infoxchange's Community Advisory Group
Community collaboration and the voice of lived experience is essential to our work.
Community collaboration and the voice of lived experience is essential to our work.
With their diverse backgrounds, knowledge of the social services system, and lived experience, our Community Advisory Group (CAG) members represent the wider community. Their contribution is critical to ensure our products and services appropriately support the community sector and people in need.
The CAG has been involved in many activities in the last year, including:
- Data Catalyst Network Providing the perspectives of people with lived experience in our workshops focused on better supporting early school leavers to improve training and employment outcomes.
- Connecting Up Conference Presenting on the importance and best practice for involving people with lived experience in designing programs and services.
- Ask Izzy Connect Advising, developing content and delivery of our new Ask Izzy Connect training program.
- Ask Izzy Advising on the upgrades to Ask Izzy categories to make searching and finding services easier; research, testing and advising on Ask Izzy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.
- Infoxchange Culture Speaking at Infoxchange’s IDAHOBIT Day celebrations.
- Inclusivity Conducting an accessibility review of Ask Izzy to improve the accessibility for people living with a disability.
Thank you to our CAG members: Amanda, Brendon, Elvis, Jo, Luis, Nikki, Simon, Tameika and Vicky.
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