Technology for social justice
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IT advice

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The 2022 Digital Technology in the Not-for-Profit Sector report provides a comprehensive look at how not-for-profits and social enterprises across Australia and New Zealand are leveraging technology to achieve their missions.

We must urgently address the significant shortcomings of the not-for-profit sector in relation to cyber security.

Data loss can cost organisations significantly, especially if the data is personal or sensitive. Organisations are responsible for safeguarding this data, which brings significant risk for not-for-profits.

We’re excited to have launched this year’s Digital Technology in the Not-for-Profit Sector survey and we encourage you to share with us the digital state of play within your organisation.

During National Scams Awareness Week from 21 to 25 May, an anonymous organisation participated in a simulated phishing campaign to test staff behaviour and determine the level of vulnerability to an actual phishing attack.

Privacy Awareness Week runs from 2-8 May 2022. 

In light of the recent tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the risk of cyber attacks has escalated. There has never been a more important time to ensure that your organisation is prepared to withstand a cyber security breach.

The Log4Shell vulnerability was headline news around the world towards the end of 2021. According to some experts, it represented the most serious security flaw they had ever seen.

This Safer Internet Day we're encouraging you to do your part to #PlayitFairOnline. To help you secure the online environments you participate in, we've put together some tips.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) has prevented phishing related breaches for participating not-for-profits, despite data from the ACSC indicating the number of attempts is increasing.

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